The challenge begins

So after deciding to run the spitfire scramble solo this year and that I would blog it i thought I would see where I am at the beginning of the challenge.

I stepped on the scales this morning just before my breakfast and this is what i saw. 17 stone 1 pound.(or 108.6kg). So considering in April 2015 I had gotten below 90kg (14st 10lb) I was pretty disappointed. An increas of nearly 19kg ( or over 2.5 stone).

I am not one into body shaming or weight obsession but unless i took up strongman in the last year or so and no one told me. Putting over 2 stone is a bit much.

This isn’t surprising as my 5k times have dwindled from a pb of 23.03 to around 27 minutes on the local park run. I also have gone from a Large to nearly a 2xl shirt and from a 34-36 to a 38-40 inch waist.

I’m hoping that increasing my running/exercise and cutting out snacks will be cheaper than buying a whole new wardrobe.

To aid this I finally dragged my kettlebells from my parents shed to the flat. And luckily a friend nominated me for the 22 press-ups for 22 days challenge so it’s motivated me to get my core strength back to where it was. So 22+ press ups a day followed by 25 sit ups, kettlebell workout and then a plank for as long as i can hold it. 2.5 mins and increasing (used to do 5mins+ with 10kg weight vest)

I was disappointed not to go to track last night but after another celebratory night on Saturday and rubbish sleep 3 nights in a row I felt too run down. Last thing i need is to catch a cold and get behind in my training from the get go.

So the plan this week is, run home from work tonight (1.5m). Run home from work Thursday. Help with the beginners speed work. Friday will be rest/cross train, Saturday should be park run with run to and from park (6m total) then sunday I will do my first LSR since May 10m in as long as it takes.

Hopefully I will blog by or before monday

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